Posted byBen Lawrance11th December 202411th December 2024Posted inGuides

All the details on the revamped species for D&D 2024 plus all our guides for each species.
The new Player’s Handbook for D&D 2024 is here and with it comes a refresh of a bunch of the most common species we’ve come to know in the D&D multiverse. This includes the usual mainstays such as Humans, Elves and Dwarves as well slightly less common races like the celestial Aasimar, towering Goliaths and gnarly Orcs.
With some fairly substantial changes to the way each species works as well as broader changes to character creation at large, there’s a lot that’s new for species in D&D 2024. I’ve been hard at work putting together optimisation guides for each of the updated races which you can find below alongside summaries of each race.
I’ve also put together all the changes you can expect to species in D&D 2024 and provided a summary of the different features you can get from each race to help you decide what race to choose for your next character.
What’s changing for races in D&D 2024?
Wizards of the Coast have taken this opportunity to revamp how character creation works, and with that comes a swathe of changes to how races work in D&D 2024. These changes include:
- Races are now called species: This is to better distinguish that these are different creatures rather than a variation of a single creature type (which race implies).
- Ability scores: These are no longer tied to your species. Instead, they’re tied to your background.
- Half species: These no longer get a separate species entry. Instead, you take on the traits of one of the species you’re a half of and can take on a combination of physical traits related to either species.
- Small species speed: Small species no longer get a movement speed of 25ft, it’s now 30ft
- Species disadvantages: In fact, other disadvantages have been removed too, like a Drow’s sunlight sensitivity
- Innate spellcasting: You can use an ability score of your choice for innate spellcasting rather than one specified by the species
- Greater flexibility: More flexibility has been baked into the features allowing you to choose certain options whenever you use a feature instead of having to pick just one option at character creation. This is the case for an Aasimar’s celestial revelation for example.
- Updated features: Features have mostly been altered and improved to make them more useful and more in line with the flavour of that species
All of this means that species are much more flexible in D&D 2024. Some species remain more suited to certain classes over others, but ultimately, you can combine any class with any species and not feel particularly disadvantaged because of a lack of synergy between things like ability scores.
Species traits summarised
You may be looking for a species that has a certain ability or fills a certain role. If that’s the case, then you can check out my table below which summarises the various abilities and traits associated with different species so you can easily pick the species you’re looking for:
Feature | Species |
Darkvision | Aasimar, Dargonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Orc, Tiefling |
Damage traits | Aasimar, Dragonborn, Goliath |
Durability increase | Dwarf, Goliath (Stone Giant), Orc |
Flight | Aasimar (temporary), Dragonborn (temporary) |
Increased movement speed | Goliath |
Innate spellcasting | Elf, Gnome, Tiefling |
Resistances | Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Tiefling |
Saving throw advantage | Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling |
Skill proficiencies | Elf, Human |
Can be small | Aasimar, Gnome, Halfling, Human, Tielfing |
Teleportation | Elf (High Elf through misty step), Goliath (Cloud Giant) |
All playable species in D&D 2024

Feature | 2024 species |
Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium or small |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Celestial Resistance, Darkvision, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, Celestial Revelation |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Mortals with the blood of celestials coursing through them, Aasimars take on some of the traits of their angelic heritage with the ability to heal, scourge and even fly (temporarily).
Aasimar 2024

Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Draconic ancestry, breath weapon, damage resistance, darkvision, draconic flight |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Dragonborn are related to true dragons, but are more humanoid in size and shape. They do however retain the scales, jaws, colouration and other features of their draconic progenitors.
Dragonborn 2024

Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Darkvision, Dwarven resilience, Dwarven toughness, stonecunning |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids with profound beards and an affinity with the earth. They are diggers and often deep dwellers, seeking great riches wherever they can find it.
Dwarves 2024

Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30ft (35ft for Wood Elves) |
Traits | Darkvision, Elven lineages, Fey ancestry, keen senses, trance |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: With ancestors originating from theFeywild, Elves are humanoids with a natural affinity for nature and magic. They’re based on the elegant, intelligent and long-lived Elves of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, rather than the short, mischievous Elves of folk lore and fairytales.
Elves 2024

Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Small |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Darkvision, Gnomish cunning, Gnomish lineage |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: The creation of the gods of magic and invention, Gnomes are short, curious beings with an enthusiastic streak. They stand a little taller than Halflings, but a little shorter thanDwarvesat 3-4ft. You can often recognise them from their short beards and pointed ears.
Gnomes 2024

Feature | 2024 species |
Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 35ft |
Traits | Giant ancestry, large form, powerful build |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Goliaths are the relatively diminutive cousins of giant-kin, though at 7-8ft tall, are hardly slouches in the size department. Like their giant cousins, Goliaths are big, strong and fiercely independent.
Goliath 2024

Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Small |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Brave, Halflings nimbleness, luck, naturally stealthy |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: The D&D version of Hobbits, Halflings are like short lookingHumans. In fact, they’re short enough to pass as a child, standing at just 2-3ft. This makes them shorter thanDwarvesand a fraction of the height ofGoliaths.
Halflings 2024

Feature | 2024 species |
Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Resourceful, skilled, versatile |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Humans are the most adaptable of all the races. They are known for being innovators and pioneers, capable of excelling in whatever pursuit they take. Human cities and settlements are some of the most accepting in all the realms, welcoming all sorts of races into their boundaries, as long as they can contribute and don’t cause trouble.
Human 2024

Feature | 2024 species |
Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Adrenaline rush, darkvision, relentless endurance |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Built for brawn, Orcs are naturally muscular, standing a little taller than the averageHuman(though still shorter than aGoliath). Orcs are fairly imposing beings; especially with their tusks and a fairly combative culture.
Orc 2024

Features | 2024 species |
Creature Type | Humanoid |
Size | Small or medium |
Speed | 30ft |
Traits | Darkvision, innate spellcasting, fiendish legacy |
Source Book | Player’s Handbook 2024 |
Description: Tieflings are part mortal and part fiend. This fiendish blooded grants them features of devils, demons and other lower planes creatures such as horns, tails or colourful skin. They also inherit abilities from whichever fiendish bloodline they’ve been influenced by. Of course, this is often a cause for distrust from the other races, and while not all Tieflings are evil, they often do have a tendency towards trouble.
Tiefling 2024
Published by Ben Lawrance
Ben is the creator of Dungeon Mister and is an experienced dungeon master who's been immersed in the D&D universe for over 20 years.View more posts